Reevaluating the West: Scrutinizing Claims of Human Rights, Liberty, and Democracy



Experiencing anxiety, a human phenomenon, finds a parallel in the behavior of states, particularly evident in the West. As the once unchallenged balance of power undergoes transformation, states grapple with a sense of disorder, reflecting the broader shifts in international relations.

The Human Traits of States:

States, akin to individuals, exhibit traits such as selfishness and arrogance. The West, in particular, demonstrates analogous behavior, amplified as it confronts a shifting global power dynamic.

Erosion of Established Values:

The rules-based world that shaped the upbringing of Gen Zs and millennials is facing erosion as the West, perceiving a decline in power, starts deviating from the democratic and liberal values it once championed.

Anxiety Amplifiers:

Three significant events heighten the anxiety within the Western framework. The onset of COVID-19 disrupts globalization, the conflict in Ukraine challenges international law, and the Israel-Palestine conflict showcases a departure from established rules.

The Israel-Palestine Conundrum:

The conflict in Ukraine dealt a setback to the rules-based order, but the Israel-Palestine conflict strikes a devastating blow. Allegations of war crimes and the West’s unequivocal support for Israel signal a divorce from the very rules it crafted.

Unraveling of the Constructed World:

The West’s abandonment of meticulously crafted rules begs the question: Why relinquish a world of rules invested in for centuries? It goes beyond the absence of a ‘therapist’ like the United Nations; it reflects a disregard for the value of the East and the Arab world.

The Clash of Principles:

The chaos in the Middle East arises not only from external imposition but also from the clash between Western principles and the cultural and religious values intrinsic to these regions. This misalignment impedes the realization of shared prosperity.

Cultural Sensitivity in International Relations:

The chaos globally prompts a reevaluation of international relations. It underscores the importance of cultural sensitivity, urging a nuanced approach that respects diverse values in a world where established rules face challenges and redefinition.


The narrative woven through individual anxiety, global events, and state actions invites reflection on the evolving landscape of international relations. It underscores the motivations, consequences, and potential paths forward in a world where established rules are being challenged, redefined, or even discarded. As the threads of the global fabric unravel, navigating the complexities demands a delicate balance between preserving core values and embracing the diversity that shapes the international stage.

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